If you know of any events that we do not list please let us know info@poetrykit.org
Alberta | ||
Lethbridge, Alberta | Check website for dates | Most Vocal Poets Society - Round Street Cafe 427 - 5 Street South Lethbridge, AB, Canada - event details - http://www.myspace.com/mostvocalpoets |
Calgary, Alberta | Check website for dates | The Single Onion http://www.thesingleonion.blogspot.com/ Calgary, Alberta - Performance poetry |
Calgary, Alberta | Festival - October | Banff-Calgary International Writers Festival - http://www.wordfest.com/ |
Calgary, Alberta | 2nd Thursday | Flywheel, a monthly reading series held on the second Thursday of each month at Pages Books on Kensington: http://www.fillingstation.ca/flywheel |
Calgary, Alberta | 1st Saturday |
Hot Dates with Blank Pages, a monthly writing activity held on the first Saturday of each month at various locations around Calgary: http://www.fillingstation.ca/hot-dates-with-blank-pages |
Calgary, Alberta | last Tuesday |
LoveCraft Gallery
121, 1803 - 60 Street SE, Calgary, Alberta
T2A 7Y7 |
Edmonton, Alberta | Festival - April | Edmonton Poetry Festival:
April http://www.edmontonpoetryfestival.com/ |
Edmonton, Alberta | 2nd Tuesday | The Olive reading series http://olivereadingseries.wordpress.com/ Readings on the second Tuesday of the month from September to April. |
BC | ||
Campbell River, BC | Festival - March | Words on the Water
Literary Festival (March) - Campbell River, BC http://www.wordsonthewater.ca/ |
Duncan | 3rd Saturday | Organic Poetry @ El
Centro, 150 Craig Street. Open mic, 7:30 start time. An eclectic
modern atmosphere that inspires creative expression. Each month a
different theme www.elcentrocafe.com |
Kelowna | 1st and 3rd Thursdays |
Word Cafe -
(r)evolution through artistic expression |
Nanaimo, BC | Poets on Campus, Malaspina
College, Nanaimo http://www.mala.ca/poetsoncampus/ |
Nelson, BC | 2nd Sunday | The Nelson Poetry Slam - Cocoa-Nut Lounge (116 Vernon St) in Nelson, British Columbia, - Poets sign-up before 6:30pm and the slam begins at 7pm. The Nelson Poetry Slam supports a large, diverse and fertile community of poets of all ages. |
New Westminster, BC. | see website for details | www.poeticjustice.ca |
Victoria, BC, | Every Friday | Planet Earth Poetry at the
Black Stilt - #103-1633 Hillside Avenue, Victoria, BC, Canada,
(+1-250-370-2077) Fridays, 7:30 PM http://planetearthpoetryatblackstilt.blogspot.com/ |
Vancouver, BC | 1st, 3rd and 5th Sunday |
Thundering Word - Montmartre Cafe` 4362 Main street at 28th ave. Sign up is at 7:30--show at 8pm sharp - Summer Hours: Sign up at 8:30-----Show at 9pm Contact: Bill, hoggersmoon@telus.net |
2nd and 4th Monday | Vancouver Poetry Slam spoken word competition - Cafe Deux Soleil, 2096 Commercial Drive - Contact: RC Weslowski, weslowhiskey@direct.ca 3 minutes to perform. Time: 8 pm sign up, 9 pm show time. $5 to enter. www.vancouverpoetryhouse.com | |
2nd Monday |
The World Poetry Reading Series - Alice Mac Kay Room, Central
Library, Vancouver BC - 7pm. Contact: Ariadne, ariadnes@uniserve.com |
2nd Tuesday |
Blue Moon Reading Series The Clearbrooke Library, 32320 George Ferguson Way, Abbotsford BC - Features & Open Mic - 6:30-8:30pm |
2nd Tuesday |
Word Whips - North Shore Edition - 32 BOOKS, 3185 Edgemont Blvd , North Vancouver - 7:00 - 9:00pm. |
Last Tuesday |
The Main Street Slam The Cottage Bistro, 4468 Main Street @
29th Avenue 9:00pm http://www.members.shaw.ca/cottagebistro/ |
4th Tuesday |
Word Whips Writing Series - Britannia Library, Gallery Room, 1661 Napier Street, Vancouver, BC - 6:30 - 8:30pm - or visit http://www.pandorascollective.com/openmics.html |
Last Tuesday |
The Main Street Slam - The
Cottage Bistro, 4468 Main Street - 9:00pm. http://www.members.shaw.ca/cottagebistro |
1st Wednesday |
Dare to Be Heard - Mollie Nye House, 940 Lynn Valley Road, North Vancouver, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. www.nswriters.bc.ca |
1st and 3rd Wednesday |
The Spillious Speak and Sing - The Cottage Bistro, 4468 Main Street @ 29th Avenue Musicians and spoken word - 8 - 12pm |
2nd Wednesday |
Poetry Around the World - at the Chapter's Metrotown location. Join host Lucia Gorea for a wonderful evening of poetry and music Invite your family and friends. Admission is free. Contact: Lucia, luciag_esl@yahoo.com for details. |
2nd Wednesday (Sept-June) | Canadian
Authors Association - Alliance
for Arts & Cultural Events Suite 100, 938 Howe Street, Vancouver - Time: 7 – 9:00 pm. (doors open at 6:45 pm) www.canauthorsvancouver.org/meetings.htm |
2nd Wednesday | Open Mike Nights at the Delta Arts Centre - 1172 - 56th Street, Tsawwassen, BC | |
Every Thursday | Music and More on Main - 3981 Little Mountain Neighborhood House (24th & Main) - 7:30 - 9:30pm - acoustic open stage and some spoken word. | |
2nd and 4th Thursday of the month |
Tongues of Fire - Solstice Cafe - 529 Pandora Ave. - 7:30 pm - Open Mic/Feature performer www.tonguesoffire.ca Contact: matthew.christopher.davidson@gmail.com |
2nd Thursday |
Open Mic - Happy Isle Cafe, Bowen Island (One long block uphill from ferry, a 5 minute walk.) 7 - 9pm |
3rd Friday | 57 Varieties - Unplugged open stage/variety show, no sign-up - do what you want, when you feel. 8 'til late. Changing venues ...email for details rowan@butchershop.ca or visit www.butchershop.ca | |
3rd Friday |
The Ridge Poetry Slam - The Ridge Cafe, 170, 22470, Dewdney Trunk Road, Maple Ridge - (think leisure-centre library building area) 7:30 - 10:00 PM , $2 |
4th Friday | Fuse - The Vancouver Art Gallery, 750 Hornby Street, Vancouver, BC - Art.Music.Performance - www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/public_always.cfm | |
1st Saturday |
The Eastside Writers, 20 West Hastings (Main & Hastings) Vancouver, B.C. - 7:00pm-10:00pm. |
Ontario | ||
Hamilton, Ontario |
Hamilton Poetry Centre www.hamiltonpoetrycentre.blogspot.com |
Hamilton, Ontario | 1st Sunday | Lit Live - literary / 1st Sunday monthly except July and August - at Sky Dragon Centre, Hamilton, Ontario http://litlive.blogspot.ca |
London, Ontario | Wednesday | Literary / 7:30 pm Wednesday / monthly - London, Ontario (sesonal - September to April) For more information contact poetrylondon@yahoo.ca or www.poetrylondon.ca |
Oakville, Ontario | Sundays (see website for details) | Poetry Cafe, Oakville, Ontario - 2pm Sundays 6 times a year www.oakvillepoetry.org |
Ottawa, Ontario | 2nd and 4th Tuesday |
Tree Reading Series - The Ottawa Arts Court, 2 Daly Avenue, Ottawa;
phone (613) 564- |
2nd Thursday | Capital Slam - Capital Poets Collective - Thirsty Scholar (126.5 York St in the market) chech website for this and other eventsd from the CPC http://www.capitalslam.com/ | |
Sudbury, Ontario | Friday - see website for details |
Luminaries Reading Series, Laurentian University, Brenda Wallace
Reading Room, Sudbury, Ontario - 7:30 pm Friday / Monthly: Sept,
Oct, Nov, Jan, Feb, Mar For more information contact lsteven@laurentian.ca www.laurentian.ca/Laurentian/Home/Departments/English/LUminaries.htm?Laurentian_Lang=en-CA |
Toronto, Ontario | Reading series and festival | Harbourfront Centre -Weekly author readings (February-June) and annual International Festival of Words see website for details - http://www.readings.org/ |
Various see website foe details | The Toronto Poetry Slam Series www.torontopoetryslam.com | |
Various see website foe details | Word Jam at The Free Times Cafe, 320 College St, between Spadina and Bathurst- www.yehudafisher.com - poetry and music | |
Every other Sunday | Exchanging Notes - at James Joyce - 5 pm - exchangingnotes@live.ca - spoken word-music open stage. | |
Every Tuesday | Art Bar Poetry, Toronto - Clinton's, 693 Bloor Street West, Toronto - Tuesday evenings at 8 pm- website: http://www.artbar.org/ | |
Every Tuesday |
CoffeeHouse Cabaret Series - 9pm Tuesdays -
www.coffeehouse.ca spoken word and music. |
3rd Thursday |
Hot Sauced Words - Black Swan Tavern, 154 Danforth Ave. (2nd floor)Just east of Broadview - 8 pm |
4th Thursday |
Livewords: Toronto reading series hosted by Edward Nixon www.livewords.ca |
3rd Friday | Up from the Roots - Roots Lounge, see http://www.upfromtheroots.ca/ | |
Saskatchewan | ||
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan | Festival - July | Saskatchewan Festival of
Words: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan - July http://www.festivalofwords.com/ |
Regina, Saskatchewan | Check website for dates | Vertigo Reading series,
Aegean Coffee House, 1967 12th Ave, Regina http://vertigoreadingseries.wordpress.com/ |
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan | Every Sunday | Tonight It’s Poetry, Sunday evenings at the Lydia's Pub, 650 Broadway Avenue. Website, www.tonightitspoetry.com, |