The National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts - nurturing individual talent with a minimum of bureaucracy, using the income from a £200 million Lottery endowment. To get yourself on the mailing list, phone 0171 861 9679, fax 0171 861 9675 or write to NESTA, 1st Floor, Gainsborough House, 33 Throgmorton Street, London EC2N 2BR |
Arts Council England 14 Great Peter Street, London SW1P 3NQ Tel 0845 300 6200 Fax 020 7973 6564 Arts Council England works to get great art to everyone by championing, developing and investing in artistic experiences that enrich people's lives. Founded 1946. Arts Council England is the national development agency for the arts in England, distributing public money from government and the National Lottery to artists and arts organizations. Funding for writers and literature professionals is available through the Grants for the arts programme. Information is available on the website, by e-mail or by contacting the enquiry line on 0845 300 6200. |
New Writing North is funded to develop reading and writing activity in the North of England. Most of our projects are focused on the North East of England where we are based. Since 2012 Arts Council England has funded New Writing North to expand a number areas of our work into the wider North area (the North West and Yorkshire and Humberside). In 2013 two of our core projects, The Northern Writers’ Awards and Read Regional, expanded to open out to other areas in the North. |